Hawaiian-Japanese Jujitsu Training in Eugene OR

Danzan Ryu Jujitsu – the martial art system in which all other systems are found.

Jujitsu is the ancient Japanese art of unarmed self-defense, relying on flowing technique rather than strength and aggression.

Danzan Ryu Jujitsu is a complete martial art system that was founded by Professor Henry S. Okazaki of Hawaii in the 1920’s. It includes escapes, joint locks, striking and blocking, throws and safe falling arts, submissions, kicks and weapon defense techniques. It is a well thought out training curriculum that can be learned by men and women of all sizes, ages, and physical condition, and by its very nature Jujitsu training is a health enhancing activity. What makes Danzan Ryu even more unique and compelling is the healing art component of the system, which includes resuscitation techniques and restorative massage.

Jujitsu-Do is the “Tao” of jujitsu… elevating the art to a means of self-improvement and self-actualization.


We believe that through deepening our understanding and perfecting our practice of the arts and science of Danzan Ryu Jujitsu and ancient healing arts that we can become empowered to strive for the goals of self-mastery, inner peace, health and happiness.  That is our mission.

Jujitsu-Do Martial Art Center is affiliated with the American Judo and Jujitsu Federation.

Start your Jujitsu training today!